Saturday, February 6, 2016

Misty Copeland Tale On PBS And Netflix

A Ballerina's Tale

 Here is the link to the trailer:

This ballet documentary covers her working through an injury, retraining after surgery, and continuing to expand her career.

Her achievements in the world of ballet don't need repeating here. It is wonderful to see her reaching into television production. Ms. Copeland will be teaming up with Tracy Oliver for a dance drama series on Fox.

I look forward to more material created by real ballet professionals and not the fluff imagined by someone with no experience in the training and day to day lives of real people.

The pain, the emotional abuse, the supposed deprivation of a dancer's life can be easily "romanticized" meaning overblown and melodramatized.

There is a real history to all mentioned above, and I reflect back to "Ballerina: Sex, Scandal, and Suffering Behind the Symbol of Perfection" by Deirdre Kelly.

The book  is an excellent read and Deirdre Kelly gives us some reflections on the history of the extremes ballerina's have been subjected to in this film, regarding body image.

And with Misty Copeland comes -- more ballet!

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